Giving Thanks

Have you ever truly taken the time to sit in a state of thankfulness? I mean really get into what being thankful means? What feeling thankful means? We often say we are thankful for our family, friends, health, etc., but have you taken time to think of your family and friends individually and be thankful for what they mean to you. Have you thought about your health in the manner of being grateful that your feet get you to where you need to go? Your back supports you in all you do. Your lungs allow you to breathe deeply and your heart not only pumps blood to your body but is the core of who you are? How about looking at the people and experiences in your life that have been challenging and finding thankfulness there too?

I encourage you today and every day to think, speak, and act from a state of deep thankfulness as great power lives within thankfulness.

Moving forward, I invite you to be thankful for the:

People in your life. And that includes those who are different than you and might appear challenging or downrightdifficult. It’s those people if you allow them to, open your eyes to new ways of thinking. And sometimes they are simply a reminder of who you don’t want to be if they come from deep fear. All is well.

Experiences in your life from the good to the fearful. It’s easy for us to be thankful for all the ‘right’ things going on in our life and in the world, but when you are thankful for fearful experiences (challenges, uncertainty, change, etc.) then you don’t allow fear to consume you. You see these experiences as a simple way to return to what you want rather than focus on what you don’t.

Mostly, my wish for you this week is to step into a state of deep thankfulness for LOVE, laughter, tears, happiness, overcoming fear, and simply knowing that everything in your life makes you YOU.

Until next time, I’m thankful for each of you as well as deeply honored.


I am thankful

Words to LOVE by:

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

-William Arthur Ward

“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.”

-Charles Schwab

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

– Meister Eckhart

Sounds for Your Soul:



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